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All Party Parliamentary Group for

Radiotherapy (APPGRT)

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The APPGRT aims to be the voice in Parliament of cancer patients, their families and of those who work within the radiotherapy field. The APPGRT will hold regular meetings and campaigns on a number of vital issues including improving patient access to better Radiotherapy.

Launch of the APPGRT

The All Party Parliamentary Group on radiotherapy was founded on the 22nd of May 2018. 

The Group brings together MPs and Peers from across the political and radiotherapy spectrum to debate key issues and campaign together to improve Radiotherapy services. Radiotherapy UK provides the secretariat for the UK government All Party Parliamentary Group (APPGRT) on Radiotherapy.


We are proud to partner with other APPGs - Cancer, Blood cancer, Breast cancer, Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults with Cancer, Ovarian cancer, Pancreatic Cancer and Stem cell transplantation.


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